Music Schools
It started as a 5-months pilot in August 2015, then became one of our core programs since March 2016. It is a specialized, methodical and regular, 18-months music study program that includes around 500 hours of teaching per year for each student. The school runs in Beqaa in Lebanon and it started in Amman, Jordan since April 2017.
Film School
The Action for Hope Video School was launched in March 2017, building on the video training workshops Action for Hope has been organizing in Lebanon since 2013, within cultural relief convoys and also as standalone activities.
Action for Hope theater group was formed after a cultural relief convoy to AlMarj camp in 2013. Eversince and up until end of 2016, the group took part in several theater workshops with different trainers to work on their acting, performance and improvisation skills. These workshops led to several theater performances presented in different areas in Lebanon.
Theater Training and Production
In 2016, Action for Hope launched a call for applicants for the arts scholarships program, targeting Syrian and Syrian-Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. The program offered two types of grants; The first for university-level study of different arts disciplines and the second for short-term arts training and workshops (no longer than 3-months) in independant training centers and NGOs.
Fa’ael is a program of work which aims to build the capacity of cultural managers and activists working in difficult conditions and targeting communities in crisis, with a focus on the Arab region.This program has two main components: a training workshop for cultural managers working in communities in crisis across the Arab region, and an in- depth mentorship program for 3-5 of these projects , with additional in-kind support and technical assistance.
Action for Hope, Ettijahat – Independent Culture / اتجاهات – ثقافة مستقلة and Mophradat launched the Art Lives Initiative, which is an exceptional project to support artistic practitioners residing in the Arab Region. This initiative comes as a quick and flexible response to protect artists and cultural practitioners in the Arab Region whose livelihoods and health have been affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.
2019 – 2020:
This project seeks to revive and bring to public attention the diversity of musical practice of Mosul, its surroundings, and of Iraq more generally, most of which originated or are present in the Nineva governorate.
This part of Iraq is home to many religious, cultural and ethnic minorities such as Turkmans, Kurds, Chaldeans, Shabak, Catholic Christians and many more. Each of these minorities have their specific songs and music forms, and even musical instruments which they are associated with. These diverse musical practices are historically connected but are also different from one another. Highlighting and celebrating this richness would contribute to creating social cohesion, as well as to recreating the vitality of the arts scene in Mosul and in Iraq in general.